Scary Spider!

It's an optical illusion. Look toward the body of the spider,
and it looks like it's growing, but it's really not.
This Blog is a daily picture server where I can share some of the better pictures that I've cultivated from the Internet and other sources.
Demon Kitty's Tag of Approval
I don't normally link to the Seedy Underbelly, the links are found on the father site, The Civility Webpage II, (linked at the top right of the main page). However, I reserve those links for the few I've found that I think are the most exceptional on the Internet, so as not to clutter up the Blog with an endlist list of billions of links like some Blogs I've seen whose list of links scrolls down from here to Hell.
However, I gave a look through your site and ran it by Demon Kitty, who heads the Department of Approvals for my weblogs, and Demon Kitty hissed. Demon Kitty is a finicky master.
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